"Being a Woman with a voice "

            Being a Woman with voice 

Do you know women around us are much more short tempered than we can possibly imagine but the only difference is that a majority of them are pretty good at hiding their temper since they are taught to do so from their childhood.

We live in a society where a female who stands for herself and calls a spade, a spade is tagged as bad' tehzeeb', teez', akli ross' and what not.

Female anger is considered as a taboo because the trait of anger is a man's jageer or domain.

Rage' is an emotion that everyone feels be it men or women. Suppressing it always will only cause yOu anxiety.

I have seen women who are ill treated at work places, psychologically tortured, provoked and what not who quietly endure it because of what people will say.

Ladies! Remaining quiet does not make you a 'sati savitri'. You are just thought of a weak entity who can be easily targeted at ones will and nothing more than that.

We kill a person 100 times in our head out of anger for doing us wrong but we hesitate to shun them down right on their face. Why? because we are worried about 'coming across as too angry'? or (too expressive'.

Why is it that if a girl asserts her right to self-respect and anatomy or raises a voice above a whisper is inevitably called a strive, a psychopath or short tempered?

They say, Nice girls don't speak out - its so unladylike.' But this feeling of not being able to speak up for oneself leaves a women in shambles and society can cope with women who are "broken' - but women who burn with fury are a problem and they need to be controlled.

Sick! Isn't it?

Where men learn to vent out their stress through anger, women are often made to learn the opposite. Why is that so? Aren't we all human's! Why can't women express our hurt And vulnerability as anger freely as men do.

re must understand that denying anger or denying to react on things doesn't make it disappear. It only consumes you from inside. It grows in the eating away you from inside.

Getting angry is a human trait and we must consider, ourselves amongst humans. Not Every women who is filled with anger is unattractive. For me, an courageous enough to point out what is wrong and what needs to be changed.

Its alright to display what you feel exactly. You don't need people to tell you what you ought to display and what not. You are your own master.

Writing out my rage is cathartic. I know how I feel each day living with this forthright attitude. I hear them talking inappropriately and yes it affects me. I get angry and why wouldn't ?

 If's not acceptable that women are being attacked and undermined as individuals. It's unacceptable that we still have to fight to be treated as full, equal human beings without also being shamed. Yes, I'm angry, why should I be? Why aren't you?

Anger has a bad rap, but it is one of the most hopeful and forward thinking of all our emotions. It protects a woman from danger and injustice.

A society that doesn't respect women's anger, certainly doesn't respect women - not as human beings at least.

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